Supercharge Your Food & Beverage Profits!
Sell more product and deliver your golfers a better experience all with zero cost to integrate into your organization! Signup for Airstryk today and capture profits you've been missing!
Costs Nothing To Integrate
The Airstryk app is FREE for both course and user and makes it easy for your golfers to order food and drinks on the course!
Increase Revenue Immediately
Help you golfers purchase more food, drink, and product while playing at your facility using the Airstryk app!
Use Your Existing Staff
You already have staff, marshals, or range crew to make deliveries…no need to hire anyone to make on-course deliveries!

Optimize Your Inventory...Sell More!
Now its easy to move inventory quicker, provide deals or discounts on slow moving product etc., and manage your inventory.
Provide a Better Experience
Players want a better experience today and with the Airstryk app, providing that experience is easy and profitable!
Sell More To Egisting Customers
With tee rates down and the popularity of discounts way up, why not sell more product to those players on your course?